Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Irricana Artist COOP

Wow, I did not post for so long. This does not mean that I have not been busy. There is new collection of semiprecious stones  and metal chain jewellery that I created in the meantime. I'll write more about it shortly once I organize the pictures.

A lot of my time and care goes these days to Irricana Artist COOP that I joined recently. We have Grasshopper Gallery on the main street in Irricana. http://grasshoppergallery.wordpress.com/

I totally fell in love with the lovely little community, houses with painted murals, and wonderful, friendly people. If you drive to Drumheller, do not forget to stop at Irricana (it is actually a shortcut if you look at the map).

Here are some pictures taken at the Grasshopper Gallery Grand Opening on July 13.

It all started with Brenda Campbell's idea...

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